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i realise ppl just can't stop commenting on whatever i do.
no matter what i did, there will be certain ppl there disagree with me.
yeah you know what? i don't care.
now i understand that we can't satisfy everyone.
so the most important thing is do whatever you think you should do.
no thinking about whatever ppl want you to do cuz they still won't satisfy at last.
i don't get the point. you won't know whatever is going through me so did you even have the right to be like this?
you will never know how hard i try to balance everything.
no you won't know. if i'm the one always care about how you feel, then who will be the one thinking what's my feeling?
everytime you will just do things without thinking. we're the one getting everything when we did nothing.
i really hate it when ppl put their temper on me when i did nothing. like seriously.
i know i should accept the way you're. but i just can't stand it sometimes.
sorry if i did offend anyone but these are the words from the bottom of my heart.
if you know me well, you'll know i will just shut up when i'm seriously unhappy with anything.
and when you reach the limit, you know what will happen.
so yeah, know your limit.


and currently i'm too crazy over yyl (:
he is just too cute and hot.
his songs make me melt, why so sweet.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;D
i love you <3

Saturday, July 23, 2011 2:02 PM back to top?
the new life

first of all, thanks to all my awesome friends that give me an unforgettable birthday this year.
seriously appreciate a lot, you know i love you guys alright.
and thanks to all those who wished me and sang birthday song for me.
thank you 4sc1 and 4sc3 for the song la btw, got a bit paiseh.
anyway, thank you yi ling, michelle, edlyn, colleen and shalinn for following me to cs.
yi ling, michelle and colleen, thanks for the lunch even though you guys have tuition.
edlyn and shalinn, thanks for watching harry potter with me la. its freezing inside the cinema but heh the show damn nice.
ppl, thanks.
thank you sister for yyl album, love you lots.
yyl loves me. <3
thank you shalinn, celine and megan for the shirt la, nice sia. (:
thank you edlyn for the card too.
thank you yi ling for the cake yea. (:
hehe the whole post im just thanking everyone la. that day was awesome.

btw, sister told me something.
suprisingly it doesn't ruin my day, i have no feelings i don't know why.
it is a bit shocking but like what i said, none of my business.
good for you la.



and i'm so busy.
i need to study like seriously.

forgive but not forget.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011 5:13 PM back to top?

first of all, i am so emo now that i miss the chance to see yan ya lun today.
its like a super rare chance for him to come to johor, no i mean johor bahru.
then i didn't even buy his album and get his signature.
and i didnt get to talk to him and shake his hand and look at him
ahyo why so saddening la you tell me.
ish ish ish.
shall continue to emo now.

yi ling, edlyn and michelle.
i banyak jealous you all know.
you all went!

and omg sister.
she is your relative.
i am so jealous.

my dad bought durians again.
he's trying to make me fat la now.

and harry potter tomorrow. yay!

Sunday, July 17, 2011 6:23 PM back to top?
i hate you

ok this is exactly how i feel you know? bitch. no you won't know. is it so fun for you to tell everyone about something that is not truth and what i did not do at all? if you don't know what's the whole story or maybe the real story, you seriously need to just stfu. cuz now the whold world know about your fucking not real story. or maybe you're just trying to tell everyone that you're so great that i still can't let go of you? oh, then i feel sad for you. cuz you have been dreaming for so long. and yeah, so what's the point of you telling me that you believe me in the morning when your friend just come and talk to my friend about some rubbish? or you're trying to hint me that you don't mean what you told me? oh no matter what reason it is, you're seriously too much. you don't even know what's the truth yet you can just simply say about me. i don't know why i seriously get so pissed off with you and i just cried out in cs when she told me that.

now, for your information, i'm not angry with her cuz you both are too close or what. cuz sorry i don't really give a damn about it. i am so bu shuang that time is cuz that she lied to me. she always tell me that what "like we very close huh?" whenever we talk about you. but we can see her sticking with you at last. so yeah, why did she ever lie to me? just tell me the truth la i don't even mind if you both wanna stick together for the rest of your life. and she not only done that to me that's why i get so pissed off that time. maybe i should not bring this matter up again, but you make me do it cuz i seriously can't stand you anymore. just shut up la if you don't know what's really happening. its really irritating you know. don't say until like you're begging me to let go cuz i did for a long time ago and i felt so disgusted for you to say all those word out. YOU'RE NOT THAT GREAT SISTER AND EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT THAT. so of cuz i let go ady. now you know what's the truth ady? tyvm.

although we did fight for a lot of times ady since last year, but yeah you're really too much this time. i really hate you a lot. i think it's the right choice for not having you in my life, even as a normal friend. cuz you will not fail pissing me off and making me cry everytime. so, why should i have such a friend? can you imagine that i am angry for like more than one week ady? see what you have done that make people hates you so much la. even if it is a misunderstanding, you seriously don't have to tell the whole world about it. you're making everyone looking me as those kind of unreasonable and ridiculous person that fight with my close friend for the sake of my EX godsis. too sorry to say that you fail to understand me cuz i'm not that kind of person. so for now im hoping time to fly faster so i can get rid or your face in school. maybe i will still sad that you're leaving last time cuz you're like my close friend. but now too bad it won't happen cuz you won't know how much i don't feel like seeing your plastic face in school. maybe like what my friend said, why should i waste my time and energy to be angry with you? you don't even worth for my anger. lol.

she felt guilty for causing what happen to both of us now. but then maybe its really not her faut????? cuz you're the one. you forever having problems with me so i think i'm kinda used to it ady. i have expected this to happen, but not so guo fen like what you did. anyway may you just continue to stick to her for the rest of your life la k? But then that's too sorry for her la.

last word you:

i really hate you a lot.


Saturday, July 16, 2011 2:31 PM back to top?
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