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Singapore Trip :)

So im finally here again after err i think about a month. It's actually a miracle that i suddenly feel like blogging. Anyway i had my progress tests last week. I think it was horrible. I had never done my tests so badly before in my whole life. Physics and pure maths paper totally can very described as a bomb. I think there'sa possibility of 80% that i flunk it. I just hope i passed k if not i have no idea how am i gonna explain to my parents.

Anyways i went Singapore with all my college friends yesterday. Let me start my story. We went there by bus. Apparently me and celine were camwhoring like mad but most of the pictures are super blur cuz of the bus. Gossip like crazy in bus with caryl, jiayan, celine, lynette, meera, sin yun, wan jun and han wei. K shall skipped the contents cuz it's p n c.

After that, celine and i felt sleepy so we decided to sleep for a while. And meera just came and sit with us to kacau us. So yeah typical us we started talking again and our sleeping plan failed. We finally reached marina bay sands around eleven thirty i think. We went to the art and science museum. On the way walking i really find the shops in mbs super class lol i think i will never get to spend there omg. K so at the art and science museum. Group photo.

We went for "inside out". It's an exhibition of photography. I think only celine and i are interested with it la. I am so amazed by the beauty of arts. The photos are like so real that i could visual it like im really in it. Among so many types of photos the one that i prefer is still the one related to nature. The sea and snow makes me feel calm. Never get to take pic anyway.

Then we went for "the art of bricks". We can see a lot of model made of lego Omg trust me they are super nice. I will just post some of the pictures instead of describing it in words. So yeah.

I think of Megan when i see this.

Hehe this guy damn cool right. Me too la im imitating his pose XD


I heart you

Peace. Heh ignore that retarded face of mine.


Me and celine.

Me, caryl and jiayan

And so we went for lunch after that. Then, we are ready to leave for Sentosa. It was really unfortunate that the moment we reached there then it started raining. Went to candylicious for shelter. The moment i stepped in i can smell sweets and chocolates. It's like a heaven. Bought jellybeans and hershey chocolates there. Then we just walked around. And we decided to go to the beach although it was still raining. Walked by the beach and lol meera get super excited. Here are some pictures.

K and hey i like this picture of mine. Got feel right? :)

So we rushed back to the bus. We walked super fast my legs ached so much and i could hardly breathe. Sigh. Super tiring can. Before that we went breadtalk to buy bread. Apparently that was my dinner tho. I was happy there was green tea and read bean muffin. Those who know me well should know that i have obsession with these combinations. HAHAHA. K la so we went back college after that. It was a tiring but memorable day for us. Love all my college friends glad to get close with all of you XD

Somebody told me that im the best among all
Thanks for including me in your mei nv list tho :p
K la thanks a lot although idk you mean it or not

I think i have used to talking to you.
It's an habit now :)

Sunday, March 3, 2013 8:28 PM back to top?
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