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hint: two words seven letters, no space.
paiseh honey i lazy to do four. HAHAHA.
you come, and you teach me how to love
but when you go, did you teach me how to let go?

Saturday, August 21, 2010 5:22 PM back to top?

i'm so lazy to blog man. but then i think i better update now for my honey a.k.a sampat vampire EDLYN HENG KHAI JEEN sake. heeheeXD well.actually i got a lot of things to write but i seriously don't know where to start man. oh fine. shall start with something that i truly bu shuang of. and which really pissed me off.

why must this world be so complicated? can't everyone just show their feeling on their face? then i no need to guess that what the hell are they thinking. it's really tired to figure out what's in a person's heart when they refuse to tell, esp the person you care. fear overwhelmed me whenever i'm trying to guess what's in their mind. they're so good in acting which makes me can't even differentiate if they're angry or pissed. and this really freaks me out. i hate it when i didn't do anything but they just suddenly don't seem to please with it. i'm seriously tired of it. i can't please everyone cause i'm not a superwoman. but yeah. i do care when people dislikes what should i do? i shall admit that i'm sensitive. when one suddenly very cold to me then i'll start thinking of nonsense. and this gonna haunt me quite a long time. and well, it spoilt my day. i know i shall learn to don't bother so much but i just can't help it. how stupid. grr.

i got some weird feeling and i shouldn't have it. you're not related to me anymore so i shouldn't have that feeling. honestly, i don't have the right to. and this feeling makes me nearly did somethinh that i shouldn't have done. luckily i stop myself to. if not i'm so gonna regret. i'll try my vy vy vy best not to care anymore. i try.

i can't believe that i'm jealous.

you, can i know what's in your mind?
i'm not feeling right cuz of you
stop it, please.

Monday, August 16, 2010 5:53 PM back to top?

in cs after trials end :D

SUSHI KING . and i just find this picture nice.

friens forever. ILYVVM:D

thanks ya li jun for treating us. we enjoy a lot. and i know it costs you a lot too. paiseh:P
lee yi ling and edlyn heng i very happy that day. life's meaningless without both of you. you both are very very important to me. ILY. friends forever.
i don't wanna get results for trials. sure very kns one.
die die die.
ahya its ady over so don't care la

its ady three months but i still care
i know i still do care a lot
how useless

Thursday, August 12, 2010 2:50 PM back to top?

what does that word mean?
it makes me feel so tired.
i tried my best to make everyone happy
but still fail.
i have no more strength to continue anymore.
i'm not gonna bother from now on.
crying, crying and crying.
this is the only thing i have been doing these few days.
i need to buck up.
i try first.

janice. i'm sorry for what i have done last time too. shudn't have been so childish. hundred times of apologies. haha. thanks for the wishes ya. and hope that you and manda will be sisters forever. i know you both care abt each other a lot. haha. you also very emo. must happy a bit la. take care.
manda. i'm sorry for last time. i know i make you angry and bu shuang. i'm truly sorry abt tht. that time my brain a bit out of function thats why i did so much of stupid things. anyway thanks for the 'good luck' today. appreciate it a lot. may you stay healthy and happy always. take care. i hope we cn talk one day. haha.

Friday, August 6, 2010 4:29 PM back to top?

so long didn't blog ady. hmm. not that long actually, two weeks only. lol. haha. oh well, today's the first day for trials. it was horrible, terrible and vegetable. this is the first time i feel like tearing off the testpaper and walk off. gosh. super hard can. bye straight A's! hope that we'll meet in my PMR result slips. hahahaha.
luckily geography and english is not 2mrw, or else i'm in hospital ady. lol. i must jiayou, seriously. trials papers are so hard. die die die. hahahaha.

last sat was 85th annivesary for convent! WOW! so old ady. HAHAHA! hmm. that day was okay okay only. thanks to all the guests, we need to sit on the floor for the whole celebration. and my leg was super pain can. ish. anyway, happy belated birthday, convent! and i'm not regret that i came. cause i saw somebody. wakaka. and sister. she super shuai when she's dancing man. i tak boleh tahan ar. shuai shuai shuai. love it so much. i wanna watch again!

i want a big big warm warm hug from you(:
cause it'll be my energy to face all the stress and difficulties.
i need you.
i miss you.

can we don't be like now?
i don't want us to be strangers.
at least, friend.

okay. off to study. i don't want to get B. JIAYOUS.

i miss you a lot a lot.
may you stay happy always.
take care.
don't fall sick k?

Monday, August 2, 2010 3:39 PM back to top?
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