click click snap
I could dream of ways to see you
I could close my eyes to dream
I could fantasize about you
clickclick snap
i can do it, so you better watch out. i'm not scared of you. blah! i won't purposely avoid you anymore. boooooooooo!
i miss school like hell. i'm boring lo. thanks people for making my school life 2010 interesting i love you guys: sister michelle honey edlyn darling yi ling daughter colleen babeh hsiao han granddaughter christine lao gong crystal lao gong no.2 noelle muacks eugenna the one who called me nv wang angel boss xiahui and all my friends~
friends forever ♥
its kinda annoying sonetimes :/
ahh my eyes so itchy. scratch dao gonna die le. pain.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
9:21 PM
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change my blog skin again
its satisfying actually.
and the colour's sweet, isn't it?
i know that colour doesn't suit me.XD
holidays are really boring.
make me die now.
if not i'll still bored to death.
i'm rotting!
12:39 PM
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错的人 萧亚轩
明知道爱情并不牢靠 但是我还是拼命往里跳 明知道再走可能是监牢 但是我还是相信只是煎熬 朋友都劝我不要不要 不要拿自己的幸福开玩笑 但是做人已经那么累 假惺惺的想要逃 在爱里连真心都不能给 这才真的真正的可笑 爱得太真 太容易 让自己牺牲 太容易让自己沉沦 太容易 不顾一切 满是伤痕 我太笨 明知道你是错的人 明知道这不是缘分 但是我还奋不顾身 但我相信有点可能 可能 在爱里面这样算笨 可能 永远没有所谓永恒 但是我 不愿放弃这里面一点点可能 宁愿笨也不想要悔恨 this song's just awesome. ♥
anyway, i miss my siao zhabors lee yi ling ♥ michelle chin ♥ edlyn heng ♥ colleen tiong ♥
Sunday, November 28, 2010
6:16 PM
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i find this interesting. and its so true isn't it? when you're helpless, where should you go? left or right? left is where nothing's right. right is where nothing's left. which one will you choose? for me, i'll choose to walk straight! and don't ever look back~ ok i'm crapping~ lalalalalalalala.
if i could, i wish that all my trouble can just fly away like the balloons. when it comes to a certain height, it'll just explode and BOOM they're gone! but sometimes, i just don't have the courage to let go of all the balloons. i'm just used to holding onto it, even when my hand hurts. ahahahahahahahahahahaha i'm still crapping. k thanks bye.
6:07 PM
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yes. what's with my fucking mind now? and what's with my fucking mood? and what's with my fucking problem? i don't understand whats with me recently. i felt so not right. ahh whatever!
Friday, November 26, 2010
8:18 PM
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this is why i hope nothing will happen.
although sometimes i can't stand it anymore.
i'm not your rubbish bin.
so please don't throw your temper on me.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
9:32 PM
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sometimes, i hate people finding stupid excuses, like seriously. i'm not that stupid to believe whatever you said ok you idiot. i kept quiet not becuz of i'm not angry, just that i'm controlling my temper. so don't act innocent in front of me ok. everytime whenever things related to that thing then you're like that. what the fuck la wei. we seems like not important at all. and the attitude you give us seriously pissed me off. you said till like we wanna show off or what. hello you, we take you as our close friend thats why we called you. fine la whatever i don't wanna say anything ady. i don't think you'll know who you're. but i hope this won't happen again. grrr.
9:25 PM
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thank you ar i read your blog ady. touched sia. anyway this is a reply. i appreciate what you did for me. thanks for being with me whenever i'm sad. i'll be okay soon de, really. don't worry about me bah cuz you know la who am i? lee luo lin le. of cuz very fast jiu cheer up de, right right? and you hor, sometimes i don't know what happen to you de but i'll lend you my ears and shoulder everytime when you need me. must be happy de you know si sha po? don't always cry k? take care sister.
i love you banyak banyak.
loves, luo lin
9:14 PM
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form 3's and 4's with b.o.d
my squad. form 3's & 4's
the awesome ones ♥
yes went for pb camp. it was awesome. seriously didnt regret that i went. i enjoy a lot, esp the last two days. relay competition was funny though. me and my second husband noelle became casualty for the third station. and the juniors were so freaking funny can. i can't forget what they did for the question "righ thigh cramp". i rmb one of them carry noelle's leg and put it on her shoulder. and yes noelle was sitting on the chair. she was shouting in pain and everyone was laughing like hell. ngehehe. then i rmb for the question "choking". one of them very cute la, give me five big slaps on my back and said "pass". and she really hit de lo. can hear the sound so cleary somemore *PIAK PIAK PIAK PIAK PIAK* then she pass the question pulak-.- i straight away zadao can die. hehe. then the next day, we suddenly wanna join the marching competition. i commander and kai woon timer. yes we're so awesome that we get the highest mark among all of them. 83.5 i think. we're really great sia. it was quite perfect if i didn't shout wrong the command at the wrong leg. stupid me. haiz. but still, we're very proud of the results. then, we play game. i kena flour like what lo. damn smelly de. ish ish ish. for closing ceremony, we ate dao so full and took a lot of picture lo. yeah and we are required to bring so many bread back. -.- anyway, bsmm intensive camp 2010 rocks ttm!
9:02 PM
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this is for someone.
your name.
stop it. i need peace
Monday, November 15, 2010
8:03 PM
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outing again :D
nice eh. XD
awesome sia. muahaha!
today's trip was tiring! we went for the art gallery first. i like the drawing very much. esp the scenery one! hehehe. but then there's like very old liao. i walk on the stairs also feel so creepy. its like gonna break down anytime lo. tak boleh tahan ar. hahahaha! then we went Sultan Garden Museum. wah can't believe that the grass and plant there was so well trimmed! super de nice. we took a lot of pictures there. i lazy to put it here la. its on fb anyway. and the most important thing. we saw some japanese there! and guess what. there's a little boy which is so bloody freaking cute. i'm happy that we can take picture with him. but he seems to be scared by us. paiseh lo. hehe. XD then we went in there. i like the hall so much. its so damn big and the furniture was so high class! and so cooling there! hahahaha! then yi ling was like "nah, this is where our tax go lah!" funny sia. after the museum. we went zoo. its was drizzling lo. and i read something that spoilt my mood the whole day. i straight away shouted out " what the fuck. tmd man!" anyway, we saw a lot of animals there. they look so dead. michelle see liao nearly cried out lo. they really too kelian liao. esp the monkey. it walk so slowly towards a cage. ther's another monkey inside too, and it look so helpless. :( and there was super smelly. ish, seriously can't compare with sg de. then we went and had a drink. i bought one small bottle of juice and guess what. it costs 3 bucks. wah piang. super expensive de. and then there's a malay guy that snatch our chair. then hsiao han was like " excuse me, got ppl seat de." then the guy was so effing kns. he said 'before you came, i ady sit on this chair" wth can. i feel like slapping him! grr. finally went back to school. me and yi ling sing "sorry that i loved you" sing dao so shuang. ni an dong you super shuai de! hehe. ;P
before going back, we hugged each other cuz today will be the last day. gonna miss them a lot. sister, i really will miss you de. must believe me. darling, i'll cheer up de. honey, chill chill i support you.
7:41 PM
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for you
i know you'll read my previous post. fyi, i won't talk bad about you, cuz i don't have to. and i change my link, doesn't mean that i'm scared or i'm a coward. i changed cuz i don't wanna make things worse. i don't want history to repeat anymore. i'm tired ady. i need peace. i cried when i knew about it, but then i'm ok with it now. cuz this is not the first time ady and i guess i'm used to it ady. i felt stupid that everything becomes like this just cuz of a small matter. i don't know if i annoy you, i'll keep sending you msg cuz i thought you didnt receive. digi is stupid sometimes thats why. i don't know you'll feel like that. i'm truly sorry for that ok? and about the you go die part. i also don't know you'll mind. this is how i talk to my friends too so i didn't realise. paiseh then. i don't know you'll don't like. and i think we're not fated to be close freiends bah. no matter how hard i try, i still failed. i shouldn't be in your life i think. i'll accept this. i'll leave you alone if this is what you want. i'm sorry about everything. just take it that its all my fault. bye. may glod bless you in everything you did. stay happy and healthy. thanks for all the memories.
i'm sorry that i loved you but sorry can't turn back time
Sunday, November 14, 2010
11:52 AM
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shuai dao bao!
super duper shuai.
his song was awesome.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
10:26 PM
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10:19 PM
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hi, stranger.
you said i didn't do anything wrong. if i really i didn't, then why the hell are you treating me in this way now? you said you need some space. but then, did i force you to do anything? i'm just treating you as my friend what. what the fuck i did again? wah piang. nah. do whatever you want now. since this is not the first time ady and i think i should be used to it ady. i'm numb ady ok. so. continue ignoring me then. since i ady tried so hard to be friends with you, and you don't appreciate it. i maybe annoying you i think. so just be strangels bah, if this is what you wish. i respect it. i'll give you the stranger look alright when i saw you. you want it right? no problem then. bye, friends. hi, stranger.
i'm confidence that i'll get used to it soon. i'll be out of your life completely. sooner than you expect.
sometimes i hope i didnt met you.
10:10 PM
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i'm so helpless.
not in the right mood again.
i need to sleep.
what's the fucking problem now?
1:40 AM
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anyway this is for you. you know who you're.
i don't know what happen like seriously. why is history repeating again? you suddenly ignore me again. but then, i'm sorry if i did anything wrong. i don't know what i did, can you please tell me about it? i'll appreciate it a lot. what happen actually? seriously i felt so xin ku can. i'm like senteced to death but i don't even know what's the reason. maybe its really my fault but i didnt realise anything. i'm stupid i know. i just hope that you can text me again or i should say reply my message and tell me about what happen. i just wanna know what causes all these and i'm fine with everything. you can continue to ignore me like what you're doing now. you can just do whatever you want. but, before that, i would like to know what i did! please. i just need to know. p-l-e-a-s-e.
i wanna sleep now but i can't. i can't hold back my tears anymore. i'm still not strong enough.
i need my siao zha bors now.
1:31 AM
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i'm not really in the mood to blog about outing today. but our outing was fun. we're awesome. XD shall blog about it short. hmm. today went cs with colleen, edlyn, yi ling and michelle. siao zha bors! we're so damn high. and they cheer me up. i'm really happy when i'm with them. we sampat and kisiao together after so long can. i love you guys. and i'm in love with our neoprints.
and we took pictures:D
awesome girls. XD
SIAO ZHA BORS I LOVE YOU ALL BANYAK BANYAK! you guys are so great. and of course AWESOME.
1:12 AM
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 i'm really not feeling right. why can't things just stay normal just for one second? why can't all the problem just leave me alone? yeah, i beg you. just for once then i'm fine with it. my brain need peace. it needs to stop working and just rest for a while. i can feel the tiredness its going through nowadays. thinking and thinking and thinking. why can't i just stop thinking? no, i can't no matter how hard i try. i'm thinking nonsense everytime. when i'm eating, watching tv, onlining and even when i'm lying on my bed. i'm pissed off even though its just a small matter. i'm just not in the mood to do everything. i know its my fucking problem. its none of other people's business. wah piang. i seriously going to explode soon. i hate it. i hate this feeling to the core now. can anyone tell me what the hell have i done to cause all these to happen?! i try so hard and keep pressuring myself just to satisfy everyone. but it seems that i have failed to do that. yeah i'm such a failure. ahh whatever. i know i shouldn't care to much. i'm just torturing myself.
history keeps repeating. and its driving me crazy. :/ things just can't follow what i wish no matter how hard i try.
你曾经属于我, 但是现在你不再属于我, 以后也不会属于我。
and you. i miss you.
9:58 PM
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tagged by honey :)
[x] the dark [] staying single forever [x] being a parent [x] giving birth [] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces [x] closed spaces [x] heights
[x] dogs [] birds [] fish [x] spiders [] flowers or other plants
[x] being touched [x] fire [x] deep water [x] snakes [] silk [] the ocean [] failure [] success [x] thunder/lightning [x] frogs/toads [] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad [] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom [x] rats [x] jumping from high places [] snow [] rain [] wind [x] crossing hanging bridges [] death [] heaven [x] being robbed [x] falling [x] clowns [] dolls [] large crowds of people [] men [] women [x] having great responsibilities [x] doctors, including dentists [x] tornadoes [x] hurricanes [] incurable diseases [x] sharks [] Friday the 13th [x] ghosts [x] poverty [] Halloween [] school [] trains [] odd numbers [] even numbers [x] being alone [x] becoming blind [x] becoming deaf [x] growing up [x] creepy noises in the night [x] bee stings [] not accomplishing my dreams/goals [] needles [] blood [] dinosaurs [] the welcome mat
[x] high speed [] throwing up [] falling in love [] super secrets
If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling. If you get more than 20, you're paranoid. If you get 10-20, you are normal. If you get 10 or less, you're fearless. People who don't have any are liars.
33 sia. i need counseling. :D
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
4:21 PM
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i regret so much, seriously. i don't have the chance to do that anymore. i hate it.
and to you. i'm truly sorry. i appreciated everything you have done for me but i still can't. i'm sorry if i hurt you. like what i have told you. its unfair for you and also me. so just move on alrights. i'm not worth for you to wait for me. and although i don't know how important i am to you. but it doesn't matter anymore. i hope you can forget about this and concentrate on your studies. take care.
i'm stupid.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
11:47 PM
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i shall
i shall lock myself in my own world so that no one can find me i can be myself there without all the acts without all the sadness without all the fakeness and i'll come back one day when i want to i know i'm crapping lol whatever
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Others stay awhile, make footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same.
who'll be there to hold me when i'm falling? O.o
Saturday, November 6, 2010
2:49 PM
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现在呢?我觉得这三年的中学生活简直是一片空白,一片混乱。那里的人复杂到极点,现实到极点,虚伪到极点。我不喜欢! 所谓的好朋友也都不会长久。一点就不爽,一点就吵架,一点就翻脸。虽然最后也会和好,但还是会有疙瘩。最讨厌的就是他们的虚伪。表面上跟你很好,但是你永远不会懂他们几时会从后面捅你一刀。要不然就是只顾自己。他们只管自己,对其他人怎样他们都不在乎。自私自利。他们喜欢撒谎,但是却能面不改色。我真的不喜欢这样的世界。每天都活在猜疑,嫉妒,悲伤的世界。我厌倦了。
我不爱这个世界, 这个世界也不爱我。
Thursday, November 4, 2010
9:28 PM
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i want a hug now! :(
12:32 AM
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what can i do? when i felt my heart is dead? so, who knows what i need for all the wounds of my heart? and who'll be the one to stand by me no matter what happen? i'm not sure about the answer anymore.
no one should read this. if not you'll DIE.
"Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together."
i know i'm a failure. i don't mind if anyone hate me, cuz i hate myself too. tell me who don't hate failure? i want the old me back! k thanks bye.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
11:55 AM
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