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oh whatever

seriously i don't know what's with you again.
 i got the feeling that history gonna repeat.
ok i know you don't even care. so i don't know why should i care.
i'm even worrying about you, wondering what happen to you when you're ignoring me.
did i do something wrong again? nvm, i just hope that you can be happy.
just rmb that i'll always be there for you but i know you don't need me.
ok funny i think i'm crapping. ok just take care alright.
i don't know why i just feel very sad now.

i'm trying to believe you.
and i tried really hard.
hope you won't disappoint me.
i trust you.

i love you
& i miss you

Monday, March 28, 2011 5:07 PM back to top?

i super agree with this. :P

btw, i'm sorry sister.
i know i'm being unreasonable sometime.
i shouldn't have got this feeling, but it just come to me.
and i don't mind if you can't give me everything
i just need a friend that understand me like you.
a shoulder for me to cry on, as simple as that
thanks sister i love you.

lao gong, cheer up.
don't sad liao.
i support you.

sha po sha po sha po,
i jiu shi wanna call you sha po. hee.

i don't know how i sleep man. my left arm hurts so much. T.T

Sunday, March 20, 2011 6:21 PM back to top?



Friday, March 18, 2011 9:32 PM back to top?
mood swing :S

i got stupid mood swing again, congratulations.
feel like crying seriously, nvm i shall tahan.
haih i hate being emooooooo.

and my brother is nagging and hitting me
cuz i'm using the laptop first
whats his problem like seriously
annoying much man :/

sister, i don't want sick ady.
i wanna go tuition tomorrow.
i very curious what you wanna tell me.
plus haha you should know why.

i felt like i got distance with everyone
i just got that feeling i don't know why
and it really sucks to the core
sometimes i wonder what you guys think of me
ok i'm crapping

and. we shouldn't be so close.
i somehow still care a lot about you.
like how i used to in form 2.
aduiiiii this shouldn't happen.
you don't need me anyway.

i hate being affected so easily by you
i felt so stupid sometimes
but too bad la, just care too much
like what sha gua said, its still the same
i never let it go
i need to stop thinking about last time

stupid moral folio
i don't understand a thing
i give up ady

oh and i wanna watch beastly so badly ):

mood swings, leave me alone please.
i'm waiting to watch secret for sales later.
i'm gonna laugh my head off.


Thursday, March 17, 2011 9:14 PM back to top?
i'm not emo :)

there's a distance between us and i don't know why.
i try to ignore that but i somehow fail.
we don't share everything like we used to.
never mind, just rmb to be happy.
and i'm ok with it. (:

i don't like to see you sad.
cheer up alright?
thinking too much is one of your problem.
don't always feel insecure.
i support you.

you, get well soon.
i know you very xin ku and tired.
rmb to take meals and medicine on time.
i kinda worry about you.
2mrw training take care.

another sick one.
hope you're feeling better now.
take care~
and gambateh for hw.

and. i know i'm random. but. i'm happy to have you guys in my life. honey,sister,darling,sha gua,granddaughter,sha po,laogong,laopo. thanks for being there with me whenever i need you. i love you guys!

sometimes, we just have to learn to accept how things go.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011 10:07 PM back to top?


went for anith's birthday party last sunday. enjoy a lot! :P  and and i wore dress, surprisingly! pritasha's reaction like so big! she was like omg omg omg i can't believe it. hahahahaha funny sia. and they say i very feminine. thank you la. and someone ahhem me, paiseh dao yao si. HAHAHAHA! overall, it was fun. everyone was like so high. shouting here and there. esp shu jin and yvonne. and teachers are there too. we so geng! oh the food there also super nice. i ate so much and its so gonna turn into fats. die la me. hehe. took a lot of pictures too. awesome!

manda, faster upload pictures! :P see i so nice change my mind and took pictures with you. haha kidding la. XD

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 9:06 PM back to top?
what the hell?

i'm thinking too much?
ok i hope i am.
but i know i'm lying to myself.
nvm, whatever.
fyi, i did nothing this time.
it seriously piss me off man.
you don't even know how i feel
when..... ok fine i shall not say that out.
i know life's unfair.
thats why i accept everything although it hurts.
fine. i feel like banging my head on the wall now.
my mood sucks right now.
wtf wtf wtf!

Sunday, March 13, 2011 10:45 AM back to top?
emo season is back!

i don't think anyone knows who i am talking about.
but still, i'm sorry.
i know that i'm acting like a kid.
but i'm just feeling uncomfortable.
and the feeling really sucks.
it makes me don't know how to face you sometimes.
i'll get everything back to normal. soon.
forgive me for not letting you know how i feel.
i'm just afraid that history gonna repeat again.
i don't wanna ruin everything.

everyone's emo-ing nowadays.
including me?
emo season is back!
yi ling, christine and michelle.
i still don't know what happen to you all.
but then.....
cheer up la (:

to someone.
don't take my picture hor.
later i blush ah.

my mum say my results very lousy.
fine, i'm gonna work hard and prove to you that i'm not.
i felt really not good when she said that.
even though she didn't scold me, i just felt bad inside.
whatever la.
i shall get in top 3 next time. ok i'm kidding.

you'll never know
cuz i'll never show

Saturday, March 12, 2011 10:10 PM back to top?
sorry that i loved you

For all of the time that i tried for your smile
For making you think that i was worth the while
So your love love love love love would be mine
For sending you flowers and holding your hand
That no one was there to take a stand
But then love love love made us blind
And I'm so sorry that I hurt you
Sorry that I fell through
Sorry i was falling in love with you
I'm sorry that it came true
But sorry doesn't turn back time
For all that i have done to you
I wish that i could make it right
So sorry that i loved you
Sorry that i needed you
Sorry that i hold you tight
And I'm so sorry for...
Making you love me and saying goodbye
For being the one that taught you how to cry
It was love love love and it passed us by
For giving you every thing that you dreamed
For taking it back when i fled the scene
sorry love,for wasting your time
And I'm so sorry that I hurt you
Sorry that I fell through
Sorry i was falling in love with you
I'm sorry that it came true
But sorry doesn't turn back time
For all that i have done to you
I wish that i could make it right
I'm so sorry that i loved you
Sorry that i needed you
Sorry that i hold you tight
An apology now after all of this time
Won't make any difference tonight
But I'm hoping I'm Sorry will open your mind
To love love love love in your life
Sorry that i hurt you
Sorry that i fell through
Sorry i was falling in love with you
I'm sorry that it came true
But sorry doesn't turn back time
For all that i have done to you
I wish that i could make it right
So sorry that i hurt you
Sorry that i fell through
Sorry i was falling in love with you
I'm sorry that it came true
But sorry doesn't turn back time
I'm sorry that i loved you
I'm sorry that i hurt you
I'm so sorry that i loved you
I'm sorry that i hurt you
Sorry that i loved you

1:09 PM back to top?


12:47 PM back to top?
it sucks

i just don't get why the hell did i get affected easily by you nowadays.
fail man seriously fail, no matter how hard i try.
things just gonna stay the same although i tried to change it.
i'm stupid to be the only one caring so much.
it makes me feel like something is tearing inside
whenever i felt that my appearance is invisible
that you will never care about it, ever!
everyone seems to be more important than me
and i just felt uncomfortable.
its ok, this is what i told myself everytime.
just don't care and walk away, this is what i did everytime.
i'm sorry that i can't tell you how much i care
as i don't have the right to anymore, i understand it.
i won't care how much it hurts. hmm.
i don't think so you know i'm talking about you.
but then nvm, you shouldn't know.

and, hsee hsiao han!
i miss you kek-ing me la.
haih why you pindah T.T
btw, good luck la (:

noelle khoo & crystal phang
both my lao gong
i love you both banyak banyak
its awesome to have you both

the one who always call me ah ma
thanks for being by my side too
appreciate it a lot.

sister, thanks a lot too.
yesterday bu hao yi si le.
you know i love you.
but i know you love me more.

honey, ahhem ahhem. sad case ah abandon me~
kiddding! must happy eh!

and i'm not in a good mood! kthanksbai~

it really sucks when you mention about her in front of me
and i have to smile at you and act i'm ok with it

Thursday, March 10, 2011 9:20 PM back to top?
shut... up

i know what i should do.
and everyone can scold me for that.
except you.
see what you did first.
so, shut up.

Sunday, March 6, 2011 11:54 AM back to top?
i don't like it, seriously.



my whole body hurts like hell. i feel like dying now man. lol.

11:35 AM back to top?

i got back all my papers except my morden maths.and guess what, i got my first c in my life for physics.ahh so damn pissed off de. i swear that i'm gonna study like siao for next time and get an A for this subject. and i shall try and get 100 for add maths next time. so bu shuang the one who actually got A+ for add maths still not satisfied. you zhuai pi ah. kek dao de can. and my class de ppl is like so sick! everyone so geng lo. i'm so gonna get the last twenty in class. whatever la~ blah blah blah.

and. my mood swing so gou li de lo this week. can die ah. a while laugh like siao, a while jiu sad dao kua zhuand. what's wrong with me man.

oh and to some jerk. stop flirting with other girls when you actually have a girlfriend. if you ever try to hurt her then i'm so gonna kill you. please appreciate what you have now cuz you yourself should know its not easy to have her..i see what you did that day jiu feel digusted. tak boleh tahan ah.omg.

and i felt so stupid de can. why must i still care so much about you? seriously can go crazy de lo. you don't need me also. i need to stop myself from that man. lol.
and its just eff-ing annoying for that! 

oh andddd!

he's like shuai dao bao when he's dancing in only you's mv.


Saturday, March 5, 2011 2:34 PM back to top?
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Icons from thefadingnight and touchthevelvetsk-y, Colors from ColorLovers